How to help your home educated child with iGCSE/GCSE science if you’re not a scientist Parents often choose home education (sometimes known as home schooling) because they want to support their child’s individual needs. You know them best after all, but how about when their needs change? Perhaps you’re not so familiar with some of […]
Meeting with your education officer: dangerous or wise?
Local Authority (LA) home education officers will often ask home educating parents to meet with them, they might ask for a phone call or perhaps copies of work. Home educating parents can be confused about whether or not they should meet, or how to provide information. Quite often, this confusion arises from the parent’s exposure […]
Careers Education for Home-Educated Students with SEND
Careers Education for Home-Educated Students with SEND The author of this article, Eloise Barnett, is a teacher and parent of an autistic/ADHD teenager who has been unable to attend school for three years, she is also the Director for SEND at ‘Spark Careers’. Parents and carers who have ‘chosen’ to educate their children at home, […]
Integrative Education: a Different Approach to Qualifications from Home
What is the Integrative Education Programme? The Integrative Education (IE) Programme allows young people to engage directly with their learning. It provides the opportunity to choose something the young person is interested in or passionate about and to build an independent project around their choice which is flexibly assessed, supported throughout by a tutor and […]
Thames sixth form for home educated young people
Thames sixth form for home educated young people At Thames, we offer full support to those who come to us from home education, online learning or non-traditional settings. Changing schools or going to university can be daunting even when you’re familiar with a typical school environment, even more so when you’re not. Among […]
Home education is available to everyone
Freedom Hoskins Freedom Hoskins is an English Traveller who home educates her children. She is very passionate about home education believes that everyone who has a desire to home educate should be able to. Freedom believes that everyone should have access to the knowledge and resources which will give them the best chance of educating […]
Tips For Children Learning A New Language – By Debbie Woodcliffe
English as a second or foreign language is not something many children will be interested in, the same can be said for many languages, but some are. The most common reasons are they are involved in the Homes for Ukraine Scheme and want to adapt to English lessons, or they may be on an extended […]
To meet or not to meet, that is the question
Local authority home education officers will often ask home educating parents to meet with them. Home educating parents can be confused about whether or not they should. Quite often, this confusion arises from the parent’s exposure to news about the conduct of some local authority officers in some regions. This article presents some facts which […]
Samples of work requests and demands
The Local Authority (LA) can ask you for copies of a child’s work. What it cannot do is demand such copies particularly under threat of a notice under the Education Act 1996 s437 (a notice to satisfy the LA) or School Attendance Order (SAO). Some LAs will ask for copies of work where they have […]
They only attack what is different, home education under threat!
The reality is that all our children begin their life as being home educated. This means that Local Authorities (LA) and Governments, are confident that parents and guardians are able to educate their child in their own style without the need to register. During these formative years, from birth to five, it is universally recognised […]