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Educational Resources

Examination resources

UK GovernmentThe National Curriculum Link
AQAPast Papers and Mark Schemes Link
JCQWe’re very pleased to confirm that the JCQ list of centres accepting private candidate entries has been updated for the 2023 series. The updated list is now live on the JCQ website. Link
IGCSE CentreCambridge Past Papers and Mark Schemes. Link
Pearson QualificationsExcel Past Papers and Mark Schemes. Link
WJECWJEC Past Papers and Mark Schemes Link
GojimoGojimo. Revision app.Link
Mark My PapersMarking for exam preparation and general assessment.Link

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Special needs resources

IPSEAFree information, advice, training and support for SEN.Link
Education Equality Education Equality. Supports families through the process of gaining
appropriate provision.
British Dyslexia As. The British Dyslexia Association (BDA) is a membership organisation
working to achieve a dyslexia-friendly society for all
Dyslexics.orgDyslexics UK Facts and information about dyslexia.Link

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Absolute MathsIGCSE and GCSE tutor led courses.Link
Beast AcademyMaths curriculum for ages 8 to 13.Link
CIMT CIMT Maths resources for all ages, including Bletchley park coding.Link
Conquer MathsVideo lessons for all ages.Link
Corbett Maths Primary and GCSE videos, worksheets, puzzles and practise papers.Link
Doodle MathsIndividual work plans for children from Reception to Year 6.Link
Four Winds Maths Free resources for young mathematicians in the 9 – 14 age-range.Link
Geometry Junkyard Clippings, web pointers, lecture notes, research excerpts, papers,
abstracts, programs, problems, and other stuff related to discrete
and computational geometry.
Life of FredHumorous maths text books.Link
MathleticsPrimary through to GCSE interactive mathsLink
Maths GenieKS3 to A level maths revision.Link
Maths No Problem!Videos and text books for all agesLink
Maths WatchPrimary through to AS level video lessons and worksheets.Link
Maths FrameKS2 maths games.Link
Maths-WhizzOnline lessons for 5 to 13 year olds.Link
Number Shark Age 5 to 14 interactive learning, popular for children with
dyscalculia and SEND.
Prodigy MathFree interactive games for a range of ages.Link

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British CouncilEnglish for older children, Mums and Dads.Link
Catherine MooneyIGCSE English language and literature tuition. Link
Dyslexia GoldReading unlocked for dyslexics.Link
Easy ReadVisual phonic cues and games to support reading at all ages.Link
EnglishForEveryonePrintable worksheets for all ages and abilities.Link
Letter-Join Interactive animations and worksheets for cursive handwriting
Literacy PlanetLiteracy learning program.Link
NessyDyslexia resourcesLink
OzandfoxInteractive stories, letter formation and phonics.Link
ScribeasyCreative writing for children of all ages.Link
SpellodromeSpelling activities, games and challenges.Link
Toe-by-toeReading manual.Link
Wild LiteracyCreative approach to literacy for children aged 7 to 14.Link
Word SharkSpelling resources aimed mainly at schools.Link

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Information Technology

Code AcademyComputer programming for older children.Link
Code CombatCoding tuition for all ages.Link
Conquer Computing Primary age coding, creative activities, robotics and internet
Cyber DiscoveryTechnical skills and security concepts for 13 to 18Link
FluxtimeCollaborative and individual animation.Link
GamEDAcademyComputing based around Minecraft.Link
Little Miss Adventure: Code GardenInteractive coding game for young children. Link
Scratch Program your own interactive stories, games, and animations for ages
8 to 16.

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Science and Engineering

ABPI Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI).
Interactive chemistry resources for ages 5 to 19.
BBC Terrific ScientificScience and technology investigations for various ages. Link
BP Education ServiceScience resources for ages 4 to 19.Link
CATS AviationFor older children with ambition to fly, access to PPL tests. Link
ChemspiderFree chemical structure database for older children.Link
Dyson FoundationEngineering boxes to loan. Link
Ecokids PlanetMagazine subscription for primary age children.Link
Kiwibox Science, technology and building skills in as box for younger
Learn GeneticsMultimedia educational materials at no cost.Link
Letterbox LabPrimary level science experiments in a box.Link
Mel ScienceScience experiments in a box, for 5 to 10 year olds.Link
Stem.org.ukMission X: Train like an astronaut.Link
Mosa MackScience and engineering courses for ages 8 to 14.Link
Mystery ScienceK5 science curriculum.Link
NASAEverything about space exploration.Link
Raising Little shoots ‘Exploring Nature With Children’ a calendar year of nature study. Link
School ScienceScience news and resources for primary age to 19.Link
Science MuseumThe history of science in artifacts. Link
Science Video CoursesKS2 to IGCSE science courses.Link
Southwest ScienceEvents and workshops for all ages.Link
Toys from TrashThings to make from your rubbish. Link
Whizz Pop BangSubscription magazine for budding scientists.Link
WlonkPrintable periodic tables in words and pictures.Link
Woodland Trust Inspiring resources to help children learn about trees and woodland Link

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Geography & Geology

3D GeographyModelling, topics and worksheets.Link
Animal Jobs DirectCourses for older children preparing for work. Link
Current Wind AnimationAnimation of real time wind patterns. Link
Daftlogic Altitude DataFind the altitude of any place in the World. Link
GBIF Global Biodiversity Information Facility. Free and open access to
biodiversity data.
Little PassportsGeography boxes by post.Link
Met OfficeSearchable data base and resources for older children. Link
Mini Map MakersAll things mapping for primary and older children.Link
Mining MattersGeology resources for older children. Link
National GeographicResources for all aspects of World geography and nature.Link
OddizziKS1 and KS2 primary geography topics.Link
Portal OneSearchable geological, satellite and road maps Link
RSPBThe UK bird charity. Link
SmithsonianVirtual access to the Smithsonian museum’s resources.Link
Catalogue of Life Species 2000 Catalogue of Life. Taxonomic data for all known
species. Older children.
Tectonic Plate MovementVideo showing tectonic movement through time. Link
Scale of the UniverseVideo bringing perspective into focus. Link
USGS USGS Earth Sciences Resources. Wide range of Earth sciences
resources for older children.
Virtual MicroscopeEnormous collection of rocks and minerals to view.Link

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Big History Project Examines our past, explains our present, and imagines our future.Link
Historical AssociationResources for primary through to pre degree level. Link
History Resources CupboardHistory resources aimed at schools. Link
Keystage HistorySchool style teaching aids.Link
Mysteries in TimeHistory boxes for aged 7 to 11.Link
School HistoryHistory teaching resources for ages 11 to 14.Link
SquaducationNational curriculum based short videos.Link
TeachItKS3, KS 4 and KS5 resources. Link

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Language Resources

BBC LanguagesFree language resources.Link
British Sign LanguageOnline BSL course Link
DinolingoWide variety of languages online for children.Link
DuolingoWide variety of languages.Link
Forvo‘All of the words in the world, pronounced’.Link
GermanpodAudio & Video LessonsLink
LinQWide variety of languages.Link
MangolanguageMix of listening and reading activities.Link
MemriseWide variety of languages.Link
NHKEasy Japanese. Link
OnethirdstoriesStories that start in English and end in another language.Link
RadiolinguaShort break courses aimed at adults.Link
Slow RussianSlow presentation to assist learning. Link
UtalkWide variety of languagesLink
YablaVideo language courses.Link

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Music & Art

Art Eye DeerArt classes inspired by the world around us.Link
ArtventureArt classes inspired by the world around us.Link
Audacity Free, open source music software for recording and editing sound,
for older children.
Classics for Kids Primary age children, activity sheets for learning, instrumental
sounds and games.
Drawing Boot CampDrawing using illustrator tools. Link
DSO KidsInformation about selected famous composers.Link
How to Draw CartoonsFree cartoon drawing guides.Link
Mama LisaSongs for children from around the World.Link
Out of the BoxAccess literacy using the creative drama, music and art.Link
Piano NannyFree online piano lessons.Link
ProdigiesMusic for ages 1 to 8+.Link
Student Art GuideFree Art resources for 11 to 16. Link

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Cooking Resources

Food a fact of Life Free resources for ages 3-16, about where food comes from, cooking
and healthy eating
Kids Cooking ActivitiesOnline lesson plans. Link
The Kid’s Cookery SchoolLondon based charity providing cookery classes for children.Link

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General & Mixed Subject

Activity Village Colouring pages, crafts, puzzles, and worksheets for primary stage.Link
Adventures in FamilyHoodLinks to virtual field trips. Link
BBC BitesizeFree lessons for all ages.Link
Busy ThingsEducational games for ages 3 to 11.Link
Cambridge OnlineOnline school for 8 to 19 year olds.Link
CambrilearnCourses, videos and interactive lesson for all ages.Link
Class CentralFree degree level courses. Link
Easy PeasyFree Christian curriculum. Link
Echo EducationHome educator owned site for GCSE level courses.Link
Education QuizzesQuizzes in various subjects for ages 5 to 17.Link
EDXPre degree courses for older children.Link
First NewsNewspaper for ages 7 to 14. Link
Good and BeautifulUSA Home educator owned for all ages.Link
Hamilton TrustEnglish, maths and science resources.Link
HumanateesHome educating family run business. KS2 to GCSE.Link
IXLMaths and English for all ages.Link
K5 LearningLessons and worksheets for primary children.Link
Khan AcademyMixed ages and subjects.Link
KidskonnectPrintable worksheets.Link
Oak National AcademyGovernment supported online lessons and resources. Link
Oaka DigitalTopic booklets, activities and quizzes for ages 5 to 14. Link
Open Lean Wide range of free courses based on Open University materials.Link
OutschoolLive online classes for ages 3 to 18.Link
Oxford Home SchoolingKS3 to A level courses.Link
Oxford OwlLearning for children aged 3 to 11.Link
Plan BeePrimary lesson planning packs.Link
QuizletInteractive study materials and games.Link
Schofield & SimsHighly recommended materials for children aged up to 11 years, in English, maths and science.Link
Scholastic Resource BankResources from early years to KS2.Link
SkoolboInteractive multi subject games. link toLink
Story Bots Topics across a range of subjects, through singing and dancing.Link
Study LadderMixed subjects aimed at primary level.Link
Teachers PetEarly years to KS2 resource packs.Link
Teaching PacksDownloadable packs of teaching materials.Link
TES Resource BankBy teachers for teachers resources for all ages.Link
The School RunPrimary level including worksheets and tutorials.Link
Thinkers Meet UpOnline tutoring following child’s interests.Link
Tomorrow’s AchieversMasterclasses for exceptionally able children.Link
Top MarksGames and resources for all stages.Link
Toy TheatrePrimary level educational games. FreeLink
TwinklAge 5 to 18 activities and resources.Link
Wolsey HallPrimary to A level courses.Link

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